Did you know that the endangered Malaysian tapir is the biggest tapir in the world and the only one found in Asia? It is listed as Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) due to loss of available habitat and loss of individuals due to hunting, road-kills and bi-catches by snare hunters.
It is estimated that the total population has less than 2,500 mature animals which are mostly isolated in the rainforest.
Like many Malaysian species such as the tiger and orangutan, the Malaysian tapir is a victim of shrinking forests. The numbers of tapirs have dropped more than 50% in the past 36 years according to the IUCN. It is mainly due to their habitats being converted to residential estates and plantations.
In the past decade, 63 tapirs were killed in Malayan traffic collisions, according to the Wildlife Department Perhilitan. With care and protection from us, hopefully the tapirs, tigers and orangutans of Malaysia will live on. It would be a shame if future generations were deprived of witnessing their natural heritage.
Zoo Negara is managed by the Malaysian Zoological Society, a non-governmental organization that survives through its gate collection and sponsorship from individuals, schools and corporate companies.
All their animals are up for adoption. You may adopt one by maintaining its annual food and veterinary care. In return, you will receive a certificate of adoption stating your selected animal.
For further details, contact Zoo Negara’s Public Relations & Marketing Department at +603-4108 3422/7/8 or email marketing@zoonegaramalaysia.my.